Kolegio Strea Briante reaches highest point.

There was a small party at the building site of the new Kolegio Strea Briante location (formerly the Watapana School). During a brief ceremony those present celebrated the reaching of the highest point. School Director Jubella Balentin and Ronald Haafkes from the firm BonNed threw champagne over the highest point of an aerial work platform.


Among those present were Commissioner Gerald Silberie, responsible for Urban Development, representatives of the public entities Bonaire, Kolegio Strea Briante, BonNed, Jakobs Architekten, RCN/OCW and the Rijksvastgoedbedrijf, which guides the construction in assignment of the Ministry of OCW (Education, Culture and Science) and the public entity.


The new Strea Briante Complex includes two school buildings with in total twelve classrooms and one building with auxiliary spaces like a teachers’ room, a meeting room and an ICT- and office space.


According to plan, the new accommodation of Kolegio Strea Briante will be delivered half December 2015. This construction project is part of the education accommodation plans. The education accommodation plans have been developed for each of the islands of the Caribbean Netherlands by the public entities and the Ministry of OCW. They contain the blueprint for improvement of the education accommodation in the whole of the Caribbean Netherlands, between 2012 and 2017.