State Secretary Van Rijn starts day care for elderly living at home on Saba

State Secretary Martin van Rijn (Public Health, Welfare & Sport) has started the expansion of daytime activities of the nursing home on Saba, the Honorable Henry Carlyle Every Home for the Aged, commonly referred to as ‘The Home’.


In the last period a programme of day care activities was set up for the residents of ‘The Home’ itself. Within the coming months elderly Sabans who live at home can also use this programme. To start off, this will be for about 15 persons.


Incredible hard work

Van Rijn: “The quality of care and the building of The Home is at a much higher level in the last period. Employees have worked incredibly hard, along with clients, family and volunteers from the community. That is good news for the residents and their families. It is very nice that elderly people living at home who need care can now also come here and participate in activities or outings. While they are well taken care of their family caregivers can take a breath. “foto 2 stas Van Rijn Saba