Annual report 2014

In this Annual Report for 2014 OM BES will give insight and accountability for what has been done and undertaken in that year. From criminal to policy issues such as the functioning of the criminal justice system, examined by the so called ‘Raad voor de rechtshandhaving’. We also pay attention to outlaw motorcycle gangs and the problems of enforcement of compulsory education.
An important fact in 2014 for ourselves, but also for the investigative services, is that the investigation named Country Garden had to be picked up in January. An investigation that lasted the whole year. Everyone realized that Country Garden was an investigation of a nature that had to be done. And in which concessions could hardly be put on the agenda. The primary process of OM hit – also because of Country Garden – the danger zone in 2014. While this Country Garden investigation also became a catalyst in 2014 for intensifying the already initiated process of making choices. Necessarily, we must, together with partners, look at what we can and cannot do. Doing so the limit of available capacity is put on the agenda.