Toastmasters International Club Officers Training

Areas 26 and 27 of Territory St. Maarten held their first combined Club Officers Training on Saturday February 7th, 2015, at the Government Administration Building. This training concluded the second half of the requirement by Toastmasters International, where all its Club Officers must be trained twice in the year, to be better equipped to lead their clubs. This training completes one of ten major goals on their Distinguished Club Program for 2014-2015 tenure. Clubs desirous of obtaining the President Distinguished status must fulfill a minimum of 9 out of 10 goals on the program by 30 June 2015.
The clubs trained were The Disciples Toastmasters Club, Philipsburg Toastmasters Club, St. Martin Evolution Club, St. Maarten Achievers Club and Soualiga Corporate Toastmasters Club. The facilitators were Advance Communicator Silver Donna Morrison-Wilson (Area 26 Governor), Advance Communicator Bronze Linette Gibs and Advance Communicator Silver Elroy Hughes.
The training was well attended by most of the Club’s executive members, who were inspired, edified and equipped on the topics of “How to build a healthy team”, “Building on achievements for continued success” and “How to enhance evaluations”.
The Toastmaster of the training was Area 27 Governor Arliene Chittick , who also gave the Vote of thanks and Closing remarks.
St. Maarten/St. Martin consist of 5 Clubs, 4 on the southern side and one on the north, Anguilla has one club which makes a total of 6 clubs under Area 26 and 27.
Toastmaster International sets aside the months of February and March for its Talk Up Toastmasters Membership Drive. This is an opportunity for persons to join the organization by becoming a member of either of the Club, mentioned above.
Toastmasters International is the world leader in communication and leadership development. For more information feel free to visit or