Construction new prison on Bonaire starting January 5, 2015

The  Caribbean Netherlands Custodial Establisments (JICN) and Rijks vastgoedbedrijf (the Central Government Building Agency) have commissioned Bonaire Bouw B.V. for the construction of the new judicial institution on Bonaire. This new building will replace the current judicial institution in the center of Kralendijk. Construction will begin January 5, 2015 and will last 18 months. After completion the JICN will need a few months to take the new estate in use. The aim is to put the new building into use by the end of 2016. The new facility will provide 125 places to various detention groups. The realization of the new facility on Bonaire is the last step in the improvement process initiated by the DJI in 2008 on Bonaire.