Your opinion counts! Evaluation Commission visits the Caribbean Netherlands;

The Evaluation Committee which examines the impact of the new state structure, visits Bonaire on November 14th, 2014.


The committee would like to speak  as many residents of Bonaire during her first visit to hear their opinions and experiences. Your opinion counts! So come on Friday, November 14th from 17:15 to 18:30 to the Passangrahan. Everyone can enter into dialogue with the members of the committee.


The meeting will be broadcast live on the radio on BONFM, DigitalFM, 93.1 Radio Alfa, Voz di Boneiru and Mega FM. It is also possible to dial in via telephone 717 6091 (landline) or  795 4529 (cell phone number for whatsapp and sms). The number of seats for the public in the Passangrahan is limited.


Subsequent to this meeting there will be a meet & greet with the committee from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM in the patio of the Passangrahan.


The committee is headed by Ms. Liesbeth Spies, former Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. The other members of the committee are: Fred Soons, Professor Emeritus University of Utrecht, Glenn Thodé, rector of the University of Aruba and former Governor of Bonaire, Luc Verhey, professor of Leiden University and the state board of the Council of State, and Frans Weekers, former Secretary of State of the Ministry of Finance.