Department of Labor Affairs delegation attends Employment Forum

The importance of utilizing all available best practices , to assist the unemployed, was once again underscored during the second edition of the Employment Forum held in the Chamber of Commerce yesterday in Concordia, on Thursday, October 23, 2014.
A delegation consisting of the Section Head Labor Market – Ms. Natasha Richardson , together with Job Placement Officers attended the Employment Forum, with the objective to gain first hand insight on recruitment and job placement activities and initiatives. In an invited comment, Mrs. Peggy-Ann Dros – Department Head Labor Affairs and Social Services , stated that it remains critical for both sides of this small Country to work together in close collaboration , all in the best interest of our collective people. The intention is for the Department of Labor Affairs to host an Employment Forum in 2015, bringing together the Chamber of Commerce, all private sector stakeholders and job seekers , presenting the unique and real job opportunities for persons that form part of the local job market.
Minister de Weever further stated , that despite improved performance and the implementation of several performance enhancement tools, unemployment continues to be an issue requiring creative , out of the box approaches. The Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour , under the auspices of the Department of Labor Affairs and the Department of Labor, will continue therefore to explore and implement all available resources to address it.