Nature Foundation Joins Coast Guard for Joint Patrolling of Marine Park, Other Areas

In an effort to increase the law enforcement presence in the Man of War Shoal Marine Park and other areas to combat illegal poaching and fishing, the St. Maarten Nature Foundation and the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard have been conducting joint patrols. The patrols check for infringements on the fishing ban in the Marine Park, the ban on the intentional fishing on sharks and rays in territorial waters and other illegal activities such as marine pollution or the poaching of endangered species such as sea turtles; “It is listed within the rules of the Marine Park that no fishing is allowed, including trap fishing, fishing for lobster, spear fishing, fishing with line what have you. We have a close working relationship with fishermen when it comes to the Man of War Shoal Marine Park and would like this to continue. However if we notice illegal activities within the Marine Park this will be addressed, including the removal of fish traps and issuing fines for poaching in restricted fishing areas. Fishing, the removal of organisms alive or dead, the removal of shells or corals and anchoring is strictly prohibited within the Boundaries of the Man of War Shoal Marine Park.,” read a Nature Foundation statement.
The boundaries of the Marine Park are between 18̊ ̊N and 17 ̊-57.0 N and 63 ̊-01.03 W and 63 ̊-04.05 W, in an area better known as “the Proselyte Reef Complex “. This area includes the island’s most ecologically and economical important marine habitat, including extensive coral reef areas and seagrass beds. The Man of War Shoal Marine Park, officially established on the 30th of December 2010, is a home and migratory stop over or breeding site for 3 IUCN Red List Species, 10 CITES Appendix I species and 89 Appendix II species. It is an area with a relatively healthy population of marine mammals including migratory whales and dolphins, numerous species of shark, sea turtles and numerous fish species. Studies conducted by the St. Maarten Nature Foundation have shown that biodiversity in this area, particularly coral reef density, is high and the economic goods and services which the ecosystem provides are in excess of fifty million dollars annually.” It has been shown that no-fishing areas have resulted in an increase in fish stock. Therefore it is also in the interest of fishermen to adhere to the no catch rules of the Marine Park,” continued the Foundation.
Patrols conducted jointly with the Coast Guard and using the Marine Park Patrol Vessel will continue indefinitely. The Nature Foundation and the Coast Guard also responded to a call of lobster poaching in the Marine Park.