Minister Lake advises GEBE Unions to Meet with Management & Board to present their plans

Minister Hon. Maurice Lake of Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) who is also responsible for Energy Affairs, met with the two unions that represent GEBE employees last week Thursday, namely the WIFOL and ASEWI, and advised them to present their plans for the country’s utility company to management and the supervisory board of directors.


"Management and the supervisory board are the organizational entities responsible for the running of our utility company GEBE. These two entities are first and foremost where the employee representative organizations should deliberate with respect to their views.

"I told both unions that I will bring forth their concerns also to the two organizational entities, and I appreciate them keeping me in the loop with respect to their views and concerns," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Tuesday.

The union representatives informed Minister Lake who is also shareholder representative about personnel issues, future of GEBE’s worker’s; guarantee letter similar to what the workers of Saba and St. Eustatius have received; alternative energy, sewage, solid waste, waste to energy plant; production and distribution of water; storage of fuel; commercial utility rates being charged to schools; and current issues with the company.

The unions are also ready to recommend a person to the Board of Supervisory Directors. On this point Minister Lake informed them that he is committed to appoint their candidate as long as that person meets the set profile as prescribed in the articles of incorporation of GEBE and approved by the Good Governance Council.

The unions would like to be informed about the policy plan and vision related to the future of GEBE. The mission of the employees can be summed up as: having all efforts of management and workers contribute towards the betterment of the company. The workers would like to be active participants in shaping the companies vision of the future.

The union reps are of the opinion that all decisions related to personnel should be discussed in an open manner. They would also like to see a blend of seniority and youth in different positions; and to offer young people who went away to study over 10-years ago, to be contacted and offered a job if they are interested in coming back.

The union was very critical of the GEBE Human Resources Department, and is of the opinion that the staff should receive training in order to meet the challenges of the new vision of GEBE.

Where it concerns the filling of vacancies, the unions would like to see the vacancy first and foremost being filled from within the company, and if not from within the country.

Minister Lake was very pleased with the outcome of the meeting and the deliberations that took place, adding that the unions are very important stakeholders whereby they represent the employees of the company which is the backbone.

"As shareholder representative it is very important to listen to your workers and give them the opportunity to grow within the company. A company is only as good as its employees.

"We need to get back to basics and train and develop our own in order to take GEBE to the next level in serving our country. There are a lot of things that GEBE has to undertake in various areas that will require all hands on deck.

"The company’s employees need to be trained and upgraded and put in charge of these new areas and responsibilities once they are undertaken. Working together is the only way to move forward and upward," Minster Hon. Maurice Lake said on Tuesday.

Minister explained to the union representatives that the rights and benefits of the workers remain the same, and that nothing has changed with respect to that. The only thing that changed was St. Maarten purchased the shares of Saba and St. Eustatius in order for country to become 100 per cent shareholder in GEBE.

Minister Lake informed the union reps about the proposed waste to energy plant and the possible granting of the related concession within short; about the energy policy that is just about to be finalized; and the street light management agreement between the Government and GEBE.

PHOTO CUTLINE: Minister Hon. Maurice Lake (5th from left) with representatives of the ASEWI and WIFOL unions who represent the employees of GEBE as well as members of his Cabinet.