Minister Lake meets on environmental issues

Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake, last week met with representatives from the Department of Environmental Affairs, the Department of Maritime Affairs and Nature Foundation regarding environmental issues.


Minister Lake wanted to know the status of the Service Level Agreement between Nature Foundation and Ministry VROMI for the environmental and conservation management of the natural resources of Sint Maarten.

The protection of Wetlands in connection with the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands was also discussed as Country Sint Maarten has an obligation to protect wetlands.

Pending parliamentary motions related to Ministry VROMI was also discussed and included one on the country’s Beach Policy.

The historical site of Fort Amsterdam was deliberated upon. Minister Lake during the session stated that discussions have been held with the Chief Executive Officer of Divi Little Bay and all parties are on the same track to resolving the Fort Amsterdam issue, with the Minister adding that Fort Amsterdam is accessible to the public at all times.

The removal of boat wrecks in the country’s territorial waters was touched upon as well as dredging activities.

The Department of Maritime Affairs elaborated on its experiences where it concerns carrying out site visits for oil spills, sewage running in the ocean etc. The matter of a sewage situation in Oyster Pond was discussed in-depth.

Another point touched upon was public access to beaches.

"My Ministry is responsible for the environment and the objective of the meeting was to get an update on the state of affairs regarding environmental issues that the department has been busy with or should be looking into after receiving information from other departments and entities.

"In my back to basics approach we must move forward in protecting various aspects of our natural resources. This also reflects upon the quality of life of our people and I will see to it that the necessary management structures are put in place that would manage our natural resources for generations to come," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Monday.

Members of the Minister’s Cabinet were also present during the meeting.

PHOTO CUTLINE: Minister Hon. Maurice Lake (3rd from left).