TelEm Group Shareholder Representative, Prime Minister, Sarah Wescott-Williams presented a check of $5,000 to the Be Able Foundation for a week of activities, starting today (Monday).
The donation was made on behalf of TelEm Group, to Be Able Committee Members, Mr. Henri Brookson and Michel Soons, Saturday, following a walk from the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex to the John Cooper/Jose Lake Sr. Ballpark.
The Prime Minister thanked TelEm Group Management and staff for their generous contribution and support of the work of the Be Able Foundation and their many activities in the St. Maarten community.
Foundation member, Mr. Michel Soons also thanked TelEm Group for participating in the morning walk along with other supporters and friends in the community.
He said the week of activities will include an official opening ceremony and wheelchair tennis tournament at the Port de Plaisance tennis courts Monday.
There will also be various public awareness activities highlighting the difficulties physically challenged persons face in the local community, including finding productive work.
"During the week we will be urging people to invite the physically challenged on outings and into the workplace to keep them active and playing an important part of the island’s social community."
Also present at Saturday’s event were Minister of Education and Sport Mrs. Patricia Laurens, Minister of Health, Dr. Cornelius DeWeever and Minister of Public Works (VROMI) Mr. Maurice Lake.