Standings of RBC Games

Sister Borgia Mac

Runs 17 Runs 6
Hits 8 Hits 2
Errors 3 Errors 0
So 8 So 9
Bb 12 Bb 5
Lob 3 Lob s

Best batter Best batter

Claudino Rodriguez 2-3 Elishon Dolor 1-2
Keanu Jacobs Guishard 2-2 Ishaq Bromet 1-1
Perry Reed 1-2
Tyrone Hassell 1-2
Larvall Dacras 1-1

Winning Pitcher Losing pitcher
Keanu Jacobs Guishard Elishon Dolor

They will be no game on Saturday October 26, 2013. Games will resume on Tuesday October 29, 2013
at the Jose lake ball field between Sister Magda vs Ruby Labega at 5 pm