Minister Lake proposes Change Manager for Cadastre;

Presents plan of action to Board and Management

Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake this week met with the board and management of the Cadastre where he presented his basic plan of action for the Cadastre organization.


The plan calls for the hiring of a Change Manager who will be hired for a year to work along with a local company that does human resource training. The objective is to upgrade the personnel which would lead to an improvement in services to the public and other entities.

The Change Manager should be hired within two weeks to assist Management and improve personnel services.

"I would like to encourage the staff at Cadastre to challenge themselves to climb up the ladder within the Cadastre organization, because everybody has their own niche and field of expertise. Be the best that you can be, if management is going the extra mile to pay for courses to upgrade skills, make use of the opportunity.

"Employees in every business or entity have a responsibility to do their best and give the best service. The ‘I born here’ mentality doesn’t work. Everybody is paid to perform. I commend the board and management for putting various social policies in place such as a pension plan, full medical coverage and upgrading of courses for employees.

"I have asked the Cadastre to organize a seminar on the responsibilities of staff as this would further enhance the working relationship within the organization. It was also suggested for the Cadastre to meet with the Notaries to discuss how services can be improved as well as the communication. It has also been recommended that board have a legal representative," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Friday.

Minister Lake has also asked the Cadastre to review their fees taking into consideration their operational costs. Special attention should be given to the "small man." The Minister is of the opinion that some form of payment plan should be established.

"As a community person, we need to look at ways and means to empower our local people to own their own land and encourage them also into owning their own business. It’s all about going back to basics and helping others to progress and move forward as we move forward together as a country," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake pointed out on Friday.

The Minister plans to monitor the progress closely at Cadastre and strongly believes that his back to basics approach is a win-win between management, the employees and customers.

The Minister recently met with all parties concerned about matters at the Cadastre, and this included employees, board and management as well as the Ombudsman.