List of participants to be posted on APS website


The general pension fund administrator, APS, is in the process of cleaning up its data base, to better reflect its listing of actual participants.

To facilitate the process, APS will be publishing a list of names of persons that it would like to get in contact with as soon as possible. The list of names will also be posted on the APS website, www.apsxm.org, under the heading "news".

Persons concerned are being contacted so that they may provide information required to complete the APS administration and, at the same time, update files of participants.

The publishing of the list of names is in addition to APS already approaching these persons directly or through their respective employers.

"This very essential exercise is fundamental in assisting APS to provide even better service to our client base and plan for their future", says APS director Kendra Arnell.

APS is inviting persons listed to contact APS, as soon as possible, in order to gather all needed information.