Prime Minister Holds Meeting with Postal Service St. Maarten Board & Management

Discusses Various Matters Regarding the Way Forward with Organization

Meets With Advisor To PSS Management Mr. Winston Paulina

During a meeting held on Tuesday, August 6th between the Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams as shareholder representative of PSS, the Chairman of the Board and the Management of PSS, various items were discussed as they pertained to the Postal Services of Country St. Maarten. Amongst the main topics of the meeting was the introduction of PSS Advisor Mr. Winston Paulina, who presented plans to the Prime Minister regarding his recommendations to further structurally improve the operations of the company.  

During the meeting The PM, who was accompanied by both the legal advisor to the Prime Minister Mr. Hensley Plantijn and the PM’s senior policy advisor Ms. Emilia Thomas, discussed further topics including the SOAB report, which previously gave recommendations on both the strategic and management level of the organization, on the finances of PSS and on the corporate governance of the institution. In the meeting it was previously agreed that based on these recommendations an action plan would have been prepared for PSS which will be used to chart the way forward.