Police shuts down major drug operation.


On Saturday May 25th 2013 at approximately 09.00 a.m. assisted by members of the V.K.S conducted a sting operation in hills of Margereth Bruce’s Drive in Middle Region to locate a major drug operation and to arrest those responsible for that operation. When the police arrived in the area many persons many of whom are possibly "none-documented" took off running in different directions leaving their homes open.


A search of the area lead the investigating officers to several marihuana plantations and numerous potted marihuana plants. Many full grown marihuana plants were put out to dry and prepared for distribution. Over two hundred marihuana plants along with many other items used to operate this type of business were confiscated.

During the search of the area a brewery of what is called "Weed wine" was located. This wine or substance is produced with use of marihuana (cannabis) and sold for consumption to the public. The police department strongly warns the entire community, that the production of this so called "wine" is not only illegal but it can be very hazardous to ones health, especially to youngsters. The Forensic Department has been called in to investigate what is used to produce this so called "Weed wine".

Several persons who reside illegally on the island were brought in and turned over the Immigration and Naturalization Department. No suspects have been arrested in this case thus far as the investigation continues.

The Police department wants to thank all those partners in the community who assisted them with information carrying out this operation. The police department also wants to encourage the entire community to join partnership with them and provide information that help with this type or any other investigation.