State Secretary Dekker and commissioner Janga-Serfilia started the renovation of Kolegio San Bernard

State Secretary for Education, Culture and Science (OCW), Sander Dekker, and the commissioner of Education, Silvana Janga-Serfilia, started the renovation of the buildings of this school together with the pupils of Kolegio San Bernardo.


This was done by the unveiling of a construction Board. The renovation of Kolegio San Bernardo is the first project carried out since the public entity of Bonaire and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science together signed the ‘ Education housing plan Bonaire 2012-2017, to improve school buildings on October 10th 2012. The renovation is performed under control of the Rijksgebouwendienst.  

Kolegio San Bernardo is will be thoroughly renovated: the roofs are fully renewed, new windows and doors will be placed, the toilets will be renovated and expanded in number. The renovated buildings are equipped with new air conditioning installations with fresh air supply and CO2 meters. In addition, there will be new landscaping and the school fence will be renewed.

De leerlingen zullen tijdens de renovaties in vervangende klaslokalen worden ondergebracht. Tijdens de eerste helft van de renovatie, van maart tot en met de grote vakantie, worden de leerlingen van drie klassen ondergebracht in leegstaande lokalen van de aangrenzende St. James Medical School. Na de grote vakantie kan de eerste groep leerlingen terugkeren naar hun gerenoveerde klaslokalen. Dan volgt de tweede renovatieperiode, die naar verwachting tot eind 2013 zal duren. Gedurende deze periode zullen de leerlingen van de overige vijf klassen worden ondergebracht in de lokalen van de St. James Medical School en in twee andere, inmiddels gerenoveerde lokalen van Kolegio San Bernardo.

The students will be accommodated in replacement classrooms during the renovations. During the first half of the renovation, from March till the summer holidays, the pupils of three classes will be housed in vacant classrooms of the adjacent St. James Medical School. After the summer holidays the first group of student scan return to their refurbished classrooms. After that the second renovation period follows, which will last until the end of 2013. During this period the students of the other five classes are accommodated in the premises of the St. James Medical School and in two other, newly renovated classes of Kolegio San Bernardo.