On Friday April 19, 2013 a training session took place at MHF for Saba, St. Eustatius and psychiatrists and psychologists of St. Maarten who also work on Saba and Statia.
SQlapius is and agenda and care plan all-in-one linking patient’s appointments to their dossier. This is a digitalized system that gives all involved insight in the progress of the patient but also flags the insurance and referral expiration dates.
The great advantage of this system is, the patient is informed on time when to renew his/her insurance card or referral. The multidisciplinary care team has insight in the agreements made with the patient by other disciplines, psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, case manager or group leader. All have access with their own password and cannot change colleagues notes, they can only enter their own notes.
The system saves lots of paper, walking up and down for information and has proven to MHF to be very efficient and patients satisfactory. MHF has been working with the system for one year now and since last year Bonaire and now Saba and Statia will also implement it.
Participants in the session were; Caros Zacharias of MHF, Dr. Jurgensen en Dr. Ferero psychiatrists, Joep Goringsen and Joyce Korsten, Social Psychiatric Nurses of Saba and Statia, Miranda Obispa-Roosberg also a nurse from Statia and Carmencita Chemont visiting psychologist for Saba and Statia.
Presenters of the session were Kenny Patterson and Twan Vermetten of SQlapius.