American Summer Youth Basketball Camps For 2012

The St.Maarten Youth Beat Foundation in Collaboration with the St.Maarten Junior District Basketball Association will like to bring the following information to your most valued attention.


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On Friday, 2nd March 2012 at 5:30pm we will have an informative session for all Youth Basketball players & specifically their parents that are interested in being part of the 2012 Summer Youth Basketball Camp in Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA that is organized by the NBA 76ers Basketball Team/Club from the 14th – 21st July 2012.

This is the second year that we will be participating in the above mentioned camp after have successfully participated last year

This year we will also be attending the Orlando Magic Summer Youth Basketball camp as well.

We will not meet with any player that is not accompanied with their parents.

Only Parents of the players will receive the required documentations pertaining to the camp, not the players

The ages of the Youth Basketball Players that are interested in being part of the camp is 13 years to 18 years.

Players are asked to get involved as we will be doing fund raisings and it is very important that prospective players & parents be part of and involved with all aspects of the coordination of the travel to the camp.

Parents of prospective players are asked to come out to the meeting in order that they can be properly and duly informed first hand on what is required in order for their child to part of these camps.

It should be also noted that the NBA has officially granted the 76ers Basketball organization permission to host a camp in St.Maarten in the month of October during the St.Maarten Schools mid-term break.

This should be viewed as a major accomplishment in have an NBA team keep one of their camp in St.Maarten as it is officially sanctioned by the NBA.

Players or parents that need more information are asked to call 5207565 or 5530238.