The ST. Maarten Amateur Athletic Association – Lab Sports Academy in collaboration with the Committee activities for SXM day activities would like to inform the general public and all its members of the Following.
* The French side Track & Field sport in collaboration with the Dutch side Track & Field association have successfully hosted the Second Annual Torch Run, this was held on Friday November 4th. Coach Calvin Bryant accompanied by a Ministry official, escorted by two Motored gendarmerie and 50 plus children started this event at the Marries in Mari got and moved to the Border point in Cole bay, where they met with the Member runners from the St. Maarten Track and Field Association which accepted the torch and took it to the Government Administration Building. This was executed as the opening of a week of activities, bringing awareness to the St. Maarten day celebration in united style between the Northern and Sothern side of One Island and One people of St. Maarten. The Run was a great success; the Dutch side had a participation of over 30 athletes. Big Thank you goes out to Mrs. Delfine Barry and Mr. Calving Bryant for pushing this event on the French side.
* On the 4th 5th and 6th of November the celebrations continued with a tennis interscholastic event. This event was held in two venues Raoul Illidge Sports Complex & Port De Pleasance, for five different age groups, see pictures. Due to the traffic congestion with the Queen visited the tournament has not been finalized. This will continue in the week end of 12th and 13th of November after St. Maarten’s day
* Next event to take place was the TRACK & FIELD event: Due to the Raoul Illidge Facility being out of order, this event has been postponed for a later date.
* The celebrations continued on Sunday Morning Bright and early with the Harbor to Pier Swim. Over 100 persons came out for this event. We had over 70 Swimmers. The event started a little over 7:00 AM and finalized at 8:30 AM. A big thank you went out to the Nature Foundation for securing the waters of Lion fishes and Lemon Sharks, Also thank you goes out to The Sheriff Security, the Coast Guard, The Jet ski service of Great by Jason Wilkins and last but not least Mr. Apon with his Canoe service. When comes to the preparations a big thank you goes out to Mr. Ernis Illis for bussing the group and The Bear Foot Restaurant who supported all participants with a Breakfast and a T – Shirt. Thank you also goes out to all persons especially the public. The event was split up in two categories Short distance three age groups and a long distance group split up in two groups . Results are as following: Winner Short Distance Heston Philbert and Leshawn in second Place. Other best performances went to Freiya Knagg, Ysa Bow best age performer and Sudihan Ozkan place 8th by the youth Groups. Daan Roossen best performance long distance Swim. Wimmer by the Long Distance Stephen Looser, in a close second Steven Clooser, and best performance long distance Rene Dros. Best Performance grownups goes to Tim Roossen, Eldert Louisa, Marriette Schrijvers and Peggy Illis who assisted Abby Illis 7 Years old in the swim. Also to all others not mentioned.
* The Celebrations continued at 10:00 Am with a Netball demonstration, a fabulous display of beautiful uniforms. This was a challenge between the Youth against the veterans. The Youth won that match which indicate a very healthy development.
* At 3:00 Pm the celebrations continued with a very interested race: The Youth Sailing academy of Simpson bay hosted a race as well as a demonstration of seaman ship maneuvering in the great Bay, flipping their
boats over and back up. This group showed the crowd present a display of their talent and skills needed on the water. This team was coordinated by Mr. Tim Roosen and Petra Gilders and her Instructor from Holland. This organization is offering a sailing scholarship on the Island for ages 10 to 14 certified swimmers only. See Pictures.
* Still to come: The FRANCO DUTCH BASKET BALL CLASIC from 10th of November to the 13th .
* Also taking place is the Annual Relay Race around the Island. This event will take place on the 11th of November starting and Finish at 6:00 AM at the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex in Cay Hill.
* On the 11th of November St. Maartens Day we will also have KITE FLYING and OLD TIME GAMES taking place at the Little League Park. These events start at 1:00 Pm to 4:00 PM. A special invitation goes out to all children to come out and enjoy. Please come to jump and get dirty. There will be lots of prizes trophies and Medals to be won.