SXM Airport “Gate 1” launches the St. Martin Book Fair 2014; look out for Womanish Ways and Nobody Go Run Me

Can it get more sophisticated, “international,” or symbolic of a “launch” than this? The Opening Ceremony of the 12th annual St. Martin Book Fair will take place at the Princess…

World Lupus Day

On May 16th, I would like you to stand in solidarity with me and wear purple in support of World Lupus Day, which was on May 10th. World Lupus Day…

Flooding of Districts, Invasive Species, Acidic Oceans and Bleaching of Coral Reefs All Part of Climate Change Impacts for St. Maarten According to Nature Foundation Report

Report Outlines Ways to Mitigate Impacts for the Country The St. Maarten Nature Foundation recently presented a revised Climate Change Action Plan to Various Stakeholders explaining some of the projected…

Nature Foundation Gives Nature Education Lectures in Local Schools

The St. Maarten Nature Foundation over the course of the last few weeks have been headed into the classrooms of various schools on the island in order to give Nature…


The St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce and Industry held its Gala Event last Wednesday evening commemorating its 35th Anniversary of serving the business and general community of St. Maarten. The…

St. Martin Pony League players Eduard Fria and Miguel Paul selected for the French U 19 National Baseball

It is with much pride and satisfaction that the St. Martin Pony League is informing the general public of St. Martin that their players Eduard Fria and Miguel Paul after…

SER will host second annual symposium on “Inclusive development”; for a better Sint Maarten.

The Social Economic Council (SER) will host its second annual symposium on Tuesday morning, May 20th at the Sonesta Maho Beach Resort & Casino. The theme of the symposium will…

18th Trade Mission & Congress To Be Held on St.Maarten

The 18th trade mission and congress ”Connecting sustainable businesses from the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Caribbean region” will be held from May 20th – 22nd on St.Maarten at…