Category: Media
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Commissioner Sarah Wescott-Williams Signed An Agreement With USONA
Commissioner Sarah Wescott-Williams Signed An Agreement With USONA On Thursday May 29th 2008, Commissioner Sarah Wescott-Williams signed The Financial Agreement with USONA in Reference with the FBE at the Conferece…
CBS Victim Survey 2008 starts June in Curacao, Bonaire and Sint Maarten
CBS Victim Survey 2008 starts June in Curacao, Bonaire and Sint Maarten In June, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) will conduct the 2008 Victim Survey in Curaçao, Bonaire and…
Update On The Constitutional Negotiations By Commissioner Sarah W.Williams
Update On The Constitutional Negotiations By Commissioner Sarah W.Williams The Update on the Constituational Negotiations was held on May 23rd 2008. Present were Commissioner Sarah Wescott Williams, Commissioner William Marlin,…
Tripartite Meeting May 21st – 23rd 2008
Tripartite Meeting May 21st – 23rd 2008 Part 1 {mp3}TRIPAREIT MEETING{/mp3} Part 2 {mp3}T MEETING PT 1 MAY 23{/mp3} Part 3 {mp3}T MEETINGPT 2 MAY…
Videos from The Upgrading of Belevedere
Videos from The Upgrading of Belvedere On Monday May 12th 2008 at 3 pm at the St.Maarten Housing Development Foundation Office in Belvedere, there was a press conference with Commisioner…