The Public Education Management has organized a Physical Education Workshop for all the Cycle One teachers and the Adj. School managers. The objective of the workshop is to revisit the FBE curriculum section "Physical and Health Education". The workshop will consist of activities such as games, movements to music, exercises and discussions about health and fitness for Cycle One students.
The workshop will be held on two dates, the first date is Friday, October 30th 2009. On that date the teachers of the Dr. MLK. Jr. School, Oranje School and Charles Leopold Bell School are scheduled to attend.
The second workshop will be held on Friday, November 13th 2009. The teachers of Leonald Conner School, Ruby Labega School and Marie Genevieve de Weever School are scheduled to attend.
The workshop sessions will be held at the Prins Willem Alexander School GYM..
Time: 8:00 am – 12:30 pm. The workshop will be coordinated by Mr. David Forsythe, Public Schools’ Physical Ed. Coordinator and the other Public Schools’ Physical Ed. teachers.
The workshop is very interactive and Public Education Management hopes that this experience will be a positive reinforcement to the Physical and Health Education Curriculum in Cycle One.
With reference to the dates of the workshop, parents will receive letters informing them that on the date of the workshop there will be no school for their children.
Glenderlin Davis-Holiday
Adj. Director Public Education
cc. Mr. Willain Marlin, Commissioner of Education