Member of Parliament George Pantophlet Follow Up On The task Ahead 2


 Member of Parliament George Pantophlet says that it is only fair to be balanced which prompted this follow up article.

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 In the previous one on the matter of the responsibility of all involved in the governing apparatus he wants to suggest what in his opinion has to be looked into. It is important that the incumbent government look into the status of all its employees. He is referring to their legal status in other words whether they are being paid the proper salaries in accordance with their function. We need employees who are satisfied with their status. He can recall vividly when he started working for the Central Government with the Police corpse of the former Netherlands Antilles, he and his colleague salaries was not properly regulated as they were paid by mandate. An instructor for the want of the use of a better word was sent to St. Maarten from Curacao to find out why our performance so called was below par. The first thing that individual did was to find out what the problem was. After some phone calls matters were regulated, we received our resolutions and he said.”Let me paraphrase, “how can they expect me to push you if your status, salaries etc are not regulated. For this reason he thinks priority should be ensuring that the civil servants are receiving their rightful income as laid down in the LMA(The Law that regulates the rights and obligations of Civil Servants).This should be rectified as soon as possible. Once this is addressed they will have no excuse not to perform their duties. The other issue is their qualifications or their ability to execute their task, the right man or woman in the right place. What the Member of Parliament is saying is nothing new. But in order to accomplish the task ahead we need all civil servants to contribute. And he reiterates that it should not be dependent on whose party is in government but on giving the people who pay our salaries professional service.