Maria: Placement process for civil servants well underway

Commissioner of Personnel Affairs Maria Buncamper-Molanus said yesterday that the Island Government is well underway with the placement process for public servants in the new organization for the Island Territory of St. Maarten. This is a stepping stone in the transition to Country St. Maarten. She added that it is government’s intention to complete the placement of all personnel in the new organization by the end of the year, along with the introduction of a new salary system.

The Law regulating the new organization went into effect on August 1, 2008. As a result, all personnel of the Island Territory have to be placed in a position within this organization.

Additionally, the Commissioner added, new job descriptions were developed for all positions in the new organization using the new job description and classification system FUWASXM.  

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The Commissioner said. "It will make the transition much easier as the organization for Country St. Maarten will use the instruments developed in this reorganization process, such as: the job classification system, salary scales and performance management system.

All public servants received a letter in October 2008 informing them of the start of this implementation process and indicating that they will receive an offer for a position in the new structure. The Executive Council has also mandated the placement committee to make the first offer on its behalf. For most government employees this procedure is a formalization of their employment, rather than being appointed in a complete new position. Therefore, only employees who possibly may not be placed in their present position, were asked to state their interest for another position by the placement committee.