Prime Minister Jacobs visits renovated Fire & Ambulance building

Major challenges at Building resolved

Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs Ms. Silveria Jacobs took a walking tour of the Fire and Ambulance Building, today, Wednesday, January 4.
As part of her initiative to produce a safe and secure environment for the first responders, the Prime Minister has maintained the goal of personally inspecting the processes for the improvement of the Fire and Ambulance Departments.
Mr. Erno Labega, Head Division of Resources and Support Services, was also there for the walkthrough, providing technical insight into what took place and to inspect the areas that need regular maintenance. Fire Chief, Mr. Clive Richardson, was present to offer the tour of the grounds, which included, administrative offices, classrooms, the Alarm Center, meeting rooms, bedrooms, shower, and toilet facilities, gym, training areas, recreation space, rest rooms and
Although the focus of the visit was to ascertain the progress of the firefighters’ station, Prime Minister Jacobs also met with the Ambulance Department, as the two departments share the building and facilities. Major challenges, regarding mold remediation, safety, and health, have been remedied. Also, proper maintenance of the building, its systems and cleaning, is scheduled to take place more frequently.
“While there are still some small maintenance matters to attend to I am pleased to see the progress achieved, the satisfaction of the first responders. I am also pleased to see that communication has also improved. It is important for me to remind the management and workers that my office remains open and available for continuous dialogue. I would also like to thank all who made the renovations possible, especially the hardworking civil servants at Facilities
Services.” said the Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs, Silveria Jacobs.