Annual Report 2021 of the General Audit Chamber

Philipsburg – The General Audit Chamber presented the 2021 Annual Report to the
Governor and Parliament on February 28 th , 2022. By law, this report must be presented
prior to July 1 st , well ahead of schedule. In the annual report, the Audit Chamber
acknowledges that the financial impact due to the COVID-19 pandemic was a dominant
factor for both Government as well as the institution.
Government’s recovery was supported in 2021 by financial support from the Netherlands,
which is conditional on implementing reform as stipulated in the Country packages.
Improvement of Government’s operations is existent, but still much improvement is
needed. The Audit Chamber references in this regard the long existing backlog in the
Government’s financial statements which was reduced in 2021, though the financial
statements of 2019 and 2020 remain pending. Financial statements of the Government are
required to be presented within 9 months after the end of a fiscal year.
In terms of its performance, the Audit Chamber produced a total of 12 reports on a variety
of topics in 2021. Three of the reports were confidential and as such, not publicly available.
Each report is described in the annual report. In addition, the Audit Chamber reports that it
worked in 2021 to further enhance internal policies. The annual report provides details
regarding the budget realization for the fiscal year 2021 and contains information about the
institution’s communication performance including several social media KPIs.
The report is published in both English and Dutch and is available on the website of the
General Audit Chamber ( and via links on their social media platforms
Facebook and LinkedIn.