Launching of the Automated External Defribrilator(AED)

On January 4th the Windward Island Emergency Medical Services(WIEMS) launched off the year of the Automated External Defribrilator(AED) at the Government Administration Building.


 This campaign  will kick off for 2013 it was endorsed by Minister of Health Dr.C.DeWeever, President of WEIMS Maria Chemont and Dr.Simmons. They each gave details about the campaign and  about the use of the AED machine.

After the speeches a demonstration was then given by Merlin Aventurin on how to use the AED on a patient or a peson under cardiac arrest. The machine guides you through on how to help a person that is in need if you don’t have the proper knowledge of CPS or can’t fully remember how to perform CPS.

The following photos will show you the demonstartion that was given during the launching of the AED and how it looks: