Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Cornelius De Weever showed solidarity with other wheel chair bound persons last weekend during the opening of the "Be Able" Disabled Awareness week. Athletes are currently here on the island to participate in the wheel chair tennis tournament as part of the activities for Disabled Awareness Week. "I did this exercise together with the wheel chair bound participants to get the feel of what persons in a wheel chair have to deal with on a daily basis," said Minister De Weever.
Minister De Weever further stated that "It is extremely important for us all to understand that at any unfortunate moment one can become confined to a wheelchair. One can be involved in a shooting, a motorbike or car accident and become physically challenged. Diabetics, smokers with decreased circulation in need of an amputation or a fall can also cause you to be wheelchair bound. We cannot afford to take our health for granted, we must be proactive – keep getting checked and always put safety first."