SCDF seeking Junior & Teen Queen contestants

The St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation (SCDF) has put out a call to the parents of potential contestants for the Junior and Teen Carnival Queen Pageants for Carnival 2013.


Girls for the Junior pageants should be between the ages of 7 and 12 and girls for the Teen pageant should be between 13 and 17 years of age. The SCDF will feature four pageants for Carnival 2013, the aforementioned two as well as the Senior and Miss Mature Carnival Queen Pageants. The registration for the Senior and Mature Pageant has been going "extremely well" the SCDF said.

The winners of the Junior and Teens will get her school fee covered for one school year, a trip for two to the US, educational gift certificates, a cash prize of US $1,000 (Juniors) and US $2,000 (Teens) along with other material prizes.

Registration forms for these two pageants can be collected at the Government Administration Building at the security desk or a form can be emailed to any parents once a request is sent to

Interested parents can also contact the coordinator of the Junior Pageant Nzinga Lake on 5224280 and the coordinator of the Teen Pageant Lisette Carty on 5208863. Both coordinators are experienced with organizing pageants and have worked with the SCDF for numerous years. "We promise a fun, educational, properly organized show where all the girls will meet new friends and create wonderful memories," the said.