Minister of Education, Culture, Youth Affairs and Sports Hon. Silveria Jacobs, on Saturday evening took part in the Anti-Bullying march organized by Voice of Our Children (VOOC).
After the march, several VOOC members spoke on bullying after which the Minister was asked to say a few words. Minister Jacobs spoke on bullying being a behaviour that as adults has to stand up against along with our children, by setting the right example, correcting the behaviour when we see it and supporting organizations and schools which take such a great stand against bullying.
Minister Silveria Jacobs warned parents to be vigilant especially for cyber-bullying, as it is the easiest and fastest growing form of bullying.
"This type has lasting negative effects especially for the victim. Each person who "likes" a bullying statement is also a "bully"," Minister Jacobs said on Saturday.
Schools were also encouraged to open discussions with students and parents on this issue.
The Minister of Education, Culture, Youth & Sports said that her Ministry will continue to support of VOOC as they continue to deal with issues that affect the youth.
VOOC members, board and president, Minister Jacobs said, is to be commended for this initiative.