Between October 15th and December 15th 2012 Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek- CBS) will conduct a Labor force survey (Arbeidskrachtenonderzoek (AKO)) on Bonaire, Saba and Sint-Eustatius. The objective of the survey is to measure the developments on the labor market. The survey is carried out every other year, this year the survey will also be carried out for the first time on Saba and St. Eustatius.
For this survey a total of 750 households are selected on Bonaire, 470 on Saba and 400 on St. Eustatius.
The most important result of the AKO is the unemployment rate, i.e., the percentage of the labor force that is looking for a job. Other important results are the participation rate, the level of education and profession of the employed population.
The results of the AKO will be published in the second quarter of 2013. Participation of the selected households is very important for the quality of the statistics. We therefore ask the coöperation of all selected households. With the participation of the households CBS will be able to make important and reliable statistics about the labor force. Your privacy is absolutely guarenteed in all our surveys. This is an obligation of the CBS laid down in a special law. CBS has taken all measures to protect your data. All our interviewers have an badge for identification and must adhere to strict confidentiality rules and noncompliance.