Today, 10-10-12, the Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland (RCN) exists 2 years. That is why we declare today Appreciation Day! The goal of this day is to make clear to all civil servants working for the Dutch Central Government in the Caribbean Netherlands that their work and effort is appreciated by their colleagues with whom they work with directly or indirectly.
Since 10-10-10 Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland organizes each year an activity for the workers of this organisation. 10-10-10 was celebrated on all three islands with the entire community. For 10-10-11 a team building activity was organised for all workers of RCN-central, so that this group could become acquainted with each other.
This year RCN workers can send each other digital appreciation cards. There are also hard copy appreciation cards designed which colleagues can give to each other. Also, each Central Government civil servant will receive a small gift as a token of appreciation.
Quote RCN Director, Sybren van Dam: "On 10-10-12 the RCN exists two years. A nice moment to thank workers for their effort and to express appreciation for the fact that they continue to dedicate themselves for the future of Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire. Thanks for your contribution to the realisation of our common goal; building together the future of the Dutch Caribbean".