Minister Jacobs Addresses UNESCO Uruguay Conference

The first day of the UNESCO Consultation of the Director-General with Member States and National Commissions of Latin American and the Caribbean Region, was officially called to order by the master of ceremony Andrea Vignola, Secretary-General of the National Commission of Uruguay for UNESCO.


Welcoming addresses were given by President of the National Commission of Uruguay for UNESCO Oscar Gomez da Trindade, Director-General (DG) of UNESCO, Irina Bokova and the Honorable Ricardo Ehrlich, Minister of Education and Culture of Uruguay.

In her welcoming address DG UNESCO Bokova made mention of the role of the National Commission for UNESCO. She also touched on the importance of the Partnerships of UNESCO to work with NGO and IGO partners as well as the private sector.

Several Ministers of Education and Culture from different Caribbean islands were also in attendance. During the Plenary presentation of Member states Minister Hon. Silveria Jacobs introduced the incoming Secretary-General of UNESCO for St. Maarten Marcellia Henry.

Minister Jacobs took the opportunity to address the gathering and thanked UNESCO for the opportunity to be able to participate in the conference for the first time as an associate member.

The Minister stressed her support for the Caribbean Cluster’s position that Small Island Development States (SIDS) should remain as a priority target group in UNESCO’s medium term strategy 37/C4, which if adapted by the consultation will result in continuation of programs and funding being allotted for SIDS which would directly benefit St. Maarten.

Minister Jacobs also made use of the opportunity to request technical assistance and guidance from the UNESCO cluster office, as St. Maarten requires assistance in establishing its National Commission.

Newly appointed Secretary General UNESCO Marcellia Henry took part as General Rapporteur in the Sub-regional consultations on the objectives, priorities and actions that were brought forward by the Director-General, and will serve as the main presenter of the reports providing feedback of the Caribbean sub-regional consultations on the Medium Term Strategy 2014-2021, and Programme and Budget for 2014-2017 as was proposed by the Director General UNESCO Bokova.