Government will be engaged intensly in many legislative products
During the council of Minister’s Pries Briefing the Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams congratulated the Parliament of St Maarten on Tuesday’s opening of the new Parliamentary year.
I would like to extend to all Members of Parliament, and the Parliament as a whole, Government’s best wishes for a productive Parliamentary year. It is expected that during the coming year the Parliament and Government will be engaged intensely in many legislative products, in other words proposals for laws which are to be handled and eventually to be decided upon as National Ordinances. So the government looks forward to those deliberations and as I said before we expect many of these trajectories to pick up speed this coming year and I look forward to those deliberation with Parliament on these topics," commented the Prime Minister. The PM concluded by stating that all of the to be handled legislation are extremely important for the community of St Maarten and definitely fits in Governments mantra of ‘Working for the People’.