The Curacao Youth Flight Brigade received a tour of the U.S. Forward Operating Location (US FOL) on 25 August 2012. Upon arrival, the 43 cadets received a mission briefing by the 429th Expeditionary Operations Squadron Commander, Lt. Col. Timothy Beers.
He explained the mission of the US FOL is to continuously enable joint, interagency, and multi-national air operations that conduct detection, monitoring, and tracking missions in support of regional counter-drug efforts.
After the briefing, the cadets observed demonstrations by the Fire Department and Security Forces, and then viewed a KC-135 tanker up close. US FOL members were on hand to answer the multitude of questions asked by the cadets throughout the tour. The cadets were very appreciative of the tour. One of the cadets stated, "This is an incredible opportunity! I’ve never been able to see these kinds of things before. It makes me want to fly airplanes!" Mr. Sherwin Gerard, the Youth Flight Brigade director, was very grateful for the opportunity provided to the cadets. He commented, "This tour means so much to us. We are glad to have this kind of relationship with the US FOL. Thank you for inviting us here and making such a contribution to the lives of these cadets."