Member of Parliament George Pantophlet says that he hopes persons don’t miss the point on the purpose for the amending of the civil code to deal with the abuse of the short term contracts.
He agreed with the comments made by his fellow colleagues of Parliament and the Prime Minister when asked for their input. It is often said that government should not get involve in these matters but unfortunately there are those who will abuse the system and this can and is becoming a social problem. The reason for this was explicitly explained by former Member of Parliament and now Deputy Minister William Marlin. There are jobs that require short term contracts because of their seasonal nature and there are those of a permanent nature. We don’t need to have jobs that are of a permanent nature where every employee is on a contract. What we want to deal with is the abuse. We understand the importance of businesses cutting cost but on the other hand creating poverty with these practices. When persons are given a short term contract and sent home for months, their house rent and related cost of living expenditures are not suspended for the period they are unemployed. And their meager salary does not allow them the opportunity to save as the cost of living is going through the roof. Asking advice of the Social Economic Council is that of a procedural matter and is welcomed. He wondered if a survey could also be done of persons who have been given short term contracts for five, ten, fifteen and more years how they fared financially. He remembers the days of the tip pool where persons working in institutions such as casinos, hotels and restaurants. These sectors should ensure that the service charges are paid to their employees. Those that are permanent and those that are on a short term contract this might be able to carry them through the slow season especially when their working days and hours are reduced. Again we are not asking for the abolition of the short term contract but the abuse of it. Don’t miss the point.