As part of their training program the Community Police Officers have recently launched a community project which is called G.R.I.P. and which stands for "Graffiti Removal and Intervention Project".
This project is mainly to combat illegal graffiti which for quite some time has been spreading throughout the community. Graffiti is an art form which is practiced legally to send out positive messages and to expose artists who practice this type of art. Graffiti is also used to illegally send negative messages out and causes costly damages to private property.On Friday July 6th the Community Police Officers tackled their first case which was the wall of the warehouse of Kwik Bargains located in Point Blanche area. This wall which was covered with illegal graffiti and which sent out very negatives messages was repainted removing all graffiti. This work was carried out and supervised in collaboration with the property owner and the Community Police Officers. The G.R.I.P. project will be an ongoing project in which property owners are encouraged to have this negative type of graffiti immediately removed from their property. The officers will also be more visible in the different communities contacting the different community counsels and organizations to come together and discuss what the problems are in their community and to jointly look for solutions for those problems.