Central Committee of Parliament to meet with CFT and about Kingdom Government Oversight

The Central Committee of Parliament will meet in public session on June 12 with the Committee of Financial Supervision (CFT).

The meeting will take place on Tuesday afternoon at 2.00pm in the General Assembly Chamber of the House of Parliament at Wilhelmina Straat #2.1 in Philipsburg.


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The first agenda point is a meeting with representatives of CFT where an exchange of views will take place between the former and Members of Parliament (MPs).

The second agenda point is an advice from the Permanent Committee Kingdom Affairs and Inter-parliamentary Relations regarding participation in the control of the Kingdom Government where it concerns extraordinary matters.

The central committee session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 20 and via Pearl Radio FM 98.1. The audio will be carried via the Internet www.pearlfmradio.com.