Dr. Nilda Arduin Ombudsman of St Maarten, one of the featured speakers at the Conference on Curacao

Dr. Nilda Arduin, Ombudsman of Sint Maarten will be attending the Second Curacao International Ombudsman Conference on Curacao to be held at the World Trade Center from June 4th-7th 2012, and is scheduled to be one of the featured speakers.


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The theme of the conference is "Investigative methods and techniques". This international conference is organized by the Office of the Ombudsman of Curaçao and the Caribbean International University with the cooperation of the Institute of Latin-American Ombudsman and the Office of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Argentina, Province Santa Fé.

During this conference three investigative methods and techniques will be presented by renown experts such as dr. Andre Marin, Ombudsman of Ontario, Canada, dr. Raul Plascencia Villanueva , the President of the National Committee on Human Rights of Mexico and expert in the field of investigation of serious violations of Human Rights and dr. Alex Brenninkmeijer, Nationale Ombudsman of the Netherlands who has an outstanding track record in conducting investigation on own initiative with continuous successful results.

Several other Ombudsman, financial and legal experts, will present their thoughts and discuss the importance and influence of a meticulous investigation and the impact on the authority of the Ombudsman. Dr. Arduin has been invited to present on the topic "Threats a young Ombudsman’s office faces while conducting investigations".

The President of the ILO is the keynote speaker at the opening ceremony. Ombudsmen from the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe and Africa are expected to attend the conference. All lectures will be translated simultaneously in English and Spanish.

Dr. Arduin’s attendance at this conference will allow for the Ombudsman to establish and maintain contact with other institutions in the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe and Africa; networking being one of the priority areas of the Strategic Plan 2012-2021.