Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams launches Facebook and Twitter Pages

In an effort to keep the public informed on a real-time basis the Prime Minister’s Cabinet has launched both a Facebook and a Twitter account. With the advent of social media there is an increased need to update and keep the public informed on the activities of the Prime Minister and her Cabinet. People who follow the Prime Minister on both Facebook and Twitter will also have the opportunity to exchange and interact with her Cabinet using the social media sites and will also be able to follow the activities and posts of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet on a real time basis as they become available.


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The Prime Minister, who is no stranger to sites such as Facebook, sees social media as complementary to the official channels of communication with and by members of government. "With the hectic pace of life for all of us, members of government need to ensure that they remain accessible and that policies and decisions  are communicated and explained to the public at large," commented the Prime Minister.

The URL for the Prime Minister’s Official Facebook Page is and the URL for her Twitter Account is!/PrimeMinisterSX. Special notifications and addresses will be made available through both accounts.