The services of the Safe Haven Foundation-Home for Battered Women are now available at the Community Helpdesks located in Cole Bay and St. Peters. The foundation is available in Cole Bay on Wednesday’s from 1PM-5PM, Thursdays in Dutch quarter from 1 – 5 pm and on Friday’s in St. Peters from 1PM-5PM.
Information can be obtained about child support, restraining orders, divorce etc. from professional care takers of the foundation. The foundation is asking those that are in an abusive relationship, and need shelter or other forms of help to please visit the Community Helpdesk on the respective days, and you will receive assistance in a confidential manner.
Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Cornelius De Weever is pleased that the Safe Haven Foundation is now offering their services, and he is asking the persons in those respective communities to take advantage of the services being offered in your neighborhood.