On Tuesday January 31st 2012 a number of youngsters people demolished goods and furniture in the JICN, location Bonaire. They disagree with the current reconstruction of their department . Disciplinary measures were taken against the young detainees.
Considerable damage
The youth department now consists of five multipersons cells, for detainees in the age of 18 till 24. Each multipersons cell can house three young people. In total the department can place fifteen detainees. At this moment only seven young people are housed at this department, therefore the management has decided that the capacity will be partly used for the housing of female detainees. For this purpose two cells will be renovated. The young detainees have made clear that they don’t agree with this decision, because they have less space left. On January 31st at 16.00 hours the detainees refused to go back into their cells and demolished goods and furniture. The situation was brought under control with assistance of the "Internal assistance team" ("interne bijstand team") and the police. Disciplinary measures were taken against the young detainees. The damage will be recovered from the group.