TelEm Group Hosts CANTO’s 28th Annual General Meeting

Over the weekend, TelEm group hosted CANTO’s 28th annual general meeting.

Accelerating the Broadband experience for telecommunication providers and users in the Caribbean was the theme of the 28th Annual General Meeting (AGM). 

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In the photo from left to right: Mr. Joe Dominique of Telem, Operations & Human Resource Manager Ms. Teresa Wankin, Chairman of the CANTO Board of Directors Mr. Dirk Currie, CANTO’s Director & General Manager and CFO of Telem Ms. Helma Etnel and Vice Chair of CANTO Ms. Karen Bevans.


The event was hosted on St. Maarten by incumbent telecommunication provider, TelEm Group and attracts telecommunication providers, suppliers and CANTO board officials from throughout the region.

Prime Minister and TelEm Group Shareholder representative, Mrs. Sarah Wescott-Williams

As host country, TelEm Group has the support of Minister responsible for Telecommunication Mr. Franklin Meyers, provided the official welcome to the delegates and participants of the CANTO 28th AGM. Prime Minister and TelEm Group Shareholder representative, Mrs. Sarah Wescott-Williams, delivered the feature address during the opening ceremonies.

Also during the opening ceremonies, members and delegates witnessed a parade of flags.

Opening remarks were made from CANTO Secretary General, Regenie Fraser and Chairman of the CANTO Board of Directors, Dirk Currie.

Mr. Joe Dominique of Telem

Vice Chair of CANTO Ms. Karen Bevans

Mr. Mingo of Telem Group