The SXM advisory Board of funding Agency Samenwerkende Fondsen/ Cooperating Foundations of the Dutch Caribbean has decided to make it easier for foundations and associations with good plans to approach them with requests for funding. Besides email contact NGO’s can now make an appointment to discuss their plans in a new office on Backstreet, behind the Catholic Rectory and opposite Sheika’s/Cultural Community Center.
Newly appointed project advisors Mr. Leon Lake and Mrs. Saskia Kliphuis will be available on Wednesday and Friday afternoons, in evenings and Saturdays, to accommodate the often busy board members of our lively St. Maarten NGO field. On Saturday January the 28th the new office will be officially opened by the Advisory Board of St Maarten and Mr. Etienne Ys, general advisor of the Cooperating Foundations.
Cooperating Foundations, is a collaboration between 5 Dutch funding agencies, namely Skanfonds, Oranje Fonds, Stichting Kinderpostzegels, Fonds Sluytermans van Loo and Innovatiefonds Zorgverzekeraars. Aiming at strengthening society and living up to the motto "Together we participate, together we are stronger", the collaborating Funding Agencies strive to support projects in the Dutch Caribbean that focus on community development, or target children, youngsters and senior citizens. Other focal points are: poverty alleviation, relief for vulnerable groups and projects catering to volunteers and persons with a handicap or a chronic disease.
Assisting White and Yellow Cross with furniture neatly falls within the scope of the objectives of Cooperating Funds. Bregje Boetekees of White and Yellow Cross will gladly accept the cheque of Naf 73.368,00 on Saturday.
Foundations that would like to hand in a request for funding can contact the project advisors on 5860808 or email to