World Wetlands Day 2012 Snoopy Island Cleanup


Wetlands and Tourism is the theme this year for World Wetlands day 2012.

Sint Maarten PRIDE foundation will partner with EPIC Blue Flag Program and International Global Yachting Isle de Sol Marina to host this years activity for World Wetlands day. The mangroves surrounding Snoopy Island in the Simpson Bay Lagoon is the location chosen this year.


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Sint Maarten PRIDE foundation and EPIC are urging volunteers to come out and participate in this worthwhile activity. The Simpson Bay Lagoon is one of the largest inland water bodies in the Caribbean. Teeming with wildlife, the Simpson Bay lagoon plays a valuable role in our tourism industry by catering to the mega yachts business, recreational sports like sailing, rhino rides, fishing, pleasure boating, while restaurants along the lagoon offer water front dining on both sides of the island.

Isle de Sol Marina just recently awarded the Blue Flag status for marinas is partnering with their staff and offering dinghies so that volunteers can get close to the mangroves to collect trash.

This cleanup will mostly be done on water, as such we are asking that volunteers must be of high school age and older.

ACE Hardware Store has donated 8 PikStiks Extends for this World Wetlands Day cleanup, The PikStiks will be used by volunteers to be able to grab trash from the surrounding mangroves which normally is difficult to get to.

The Simpson bay lagoon has been under threat for years as much of the shoreline has been filled in for land creation, sewage from boats and especially from land based sources, pollution like oil spills, and trash that floats down the drains during rainfall and ends up in our waterways.

The foundations are urging active participation for World Wetlands day 2012, Come and participate on Saturday Janaury 28th. from 8am-10am. Volunteers must wear closed shoes or boots.

Meeting is at the entrance to the Isle de Sol Marina in Simpson Bay at 8am sharp.

For more information on World Wetlands day, please go to this link…..