To facilitate the traffic situation in Philipsburg and to accommodate the many cruise passengers visiting our ports, the shoppers from the neighboring islands and also the local shoppers coming to do their "end of the year shopping" the following measures have been taken.
As of Friday December 23rd , until the end of the season Front Street and Back Street will be closed-off every day from 10.00 a.m. through 10.00 p.m. to all vehicular traffic. The Front Street will be closed off at Sea Palace to Emma Plein. Back street will be closed off from Emma Plein to School Steeg (Oranje School Alley). All alleys between Front Street and Back street (section that is closed off) will also be closed to vehicular traffic. (Closed-off by guard rail)
There will be limited access for taxis dropping off and picking-up passengers on Front Street and Back Street. No more than four taxis at a time will be allowed to park at the taxi stand in front of the Court House and two taxis will be allowed to park next to Angelo Boutique on Back Street. All other taxis will have to wait their turn on the Clem Labega Square.
There will be limited access for buses to pick-up passengers on Back street. All passengers coming into Philipsburg by bus will not allowed to be dropped off on Front Street or Back Street. The buses will be allowed to use the other streets to drop off their passengers. Picking-up passengers by bus on Back Street will be allowed, but only five buses will be allowed into Back Street at a time, entering at the head of Backstreet. (Emma plein.)
Delivery of goods.
For delivery companies delivering goods in Front Street and Back Street, this will only be allowed after notifying the police department in advance. The delivery companies will have to show some type of proof to the officer at the check-point. All other deliveries will have to take place every day prior to the closing of the streets.
Parking in Philipsburg
Parking space in Philipsburg is for a fact very limited. Therefore the police department is recommending shopping to make use of the public parking lots and the ring road. Illegal parking will not be tolerated. Any vehicle that is illegally parked will be towed at the cost of the owner/driver.
During the time these streets are closed no motorcycle of any kind, no scooter or bicycles will be allowed to use these streets.
Reminder: Make use of the Holiday Season S In connection with the busy Holiday Season afety tips
Note: These traffic measures may be subject to change based on the situation as it unfolds.