President of Parliament says 2011 has been like no other year for human rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted on 10 December 1948, and the date since served to mark Human Rights Day around the globe.


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The UDHR adopted by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in 1948, consists of a preamble and 30 articles, setting out a broad range of fundamental human rights and freedoms to which all men and women, everywhere in the world, are entitled, without any distinction.

The declaration was drafted by representatives of all regions and legal traditions. It has been over time accepted as a contract between governments and their peoples. Virtually all states have accepted it.

The UDHR has also served as the foundation for an expanding system of human rights protection that today focuses also on vulnerable groups such as disabled persons, indigenous peoples and migrant workers.

President of Parliament Hon. drs Gracita Arrindell says 2011 has been a year like no other for human rights.

"I refer to the events that started out in the first quarter of 2011 in the North Africa and the Middle East. Millions took to the streets to claim their rights and demanding a change to oppression and wanting freedom, basic human rights.

"It has been an extraordinary year for human rights. Human rights belong to each one of us on an equal basis, and it binds us together as a community with the same ideals and values.

"As a country we must be a proud people to know that we have basic human rights, and we are a free people with a democratically elected government and democratic institutions. We have much to be grateful and must count our blessings as a people despite the many challenges our country has been confronted with.

"The right to education is one of the most important basic human rights in my view, and that Sint Maarten has adopted through the implementation of compulsory education where hundreds of children regardless of their legal status enjoy some form of education on our small island.

"I would like to call on the nation to join in the internet and social media campaign that the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has launched to help more people know, demand and defend their human rights. It is a campaign that should be maintained so long human rights abuses continue," President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell said on Sunday.

Persons interested in joining the campaign should visit the website: