Minister of Labor, Cornelius de Weever, members of his cabinet and labor policy department representatives met with President of the WIFOL, Theophilus Thompson, a board member and shop stewards to discuss the future of the workers of Simpson Bay Resort Management Company B.V.
"I explained to Thompson that the situation with the workers has my full attention, and government is open to facilitate both parties to sit at the table and open negotiation possibilities," said Minister de Weever.
During the meeting, Thompson gave a synopsis of what has transpired between the workers and the resort to date. Mr. Thompson echoed my sentiments and stated that WIFOL will be making a new attempt to re-open discussions with management.
"I will be meeting with the management of Simpson Bay Resort Management Company B.V. on Thursday, December 8, 2011 in an effort to come to a possible resolution to the current problem confronting the resort workers. "I indicated that it is not my competence to intervene in the judicial process that is ongoing, however a consensus should be reached in the best interest of the workers and the resort. Getting back to the table is the solution."
Please take note that an urgent meeting will be called with all the relevant ministers within the council to discuss a speedy solution to the issues surrounding the resort as the issues at hand touches the community in more than one aspect.
"Based on a discussion earlier this morning with UPP faction leader MP Romaine Laville, I agree that the matter must be handled as soon as possible as it is a pressing issue that will affect the labor market. As a new country we must learn to communicate more effectively with each other. Cooperation is of the essence in stabilizing our young country," said Minister de Weever.
However, the matter at hand needs to be addressed in a structural manner and it is not the intention to have a quick fix, but to find a solution for the long term, and to come to a consensus whereby both parties are in agreement.
"As Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor I am not about quick fixes, and finding short cuts that eventually come back to haunt us and cause even larger problems with a wider spread effect. Let us try to do things the right way, and not repeat our mistakes of the past. This ongoing turmoil surrounding the Simpson Bay Resort and the workers needs to be resolved immediately, as the livelihoods of families and businesses is being disrupted. However the matters at hand must be resolved in a proper and structural manner. We must work together in order to be able to move forward in a positive manner."