As of October 1, 2011, several changes in the Belastingwet BES will take effect. The Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland has therefore initiated a campaign to inform taxpayers on these amendments.
Private persons will notice several amendments, such as the increase of the general tax free allowance (algemene belastingvrije som) and the adjustments on child supplement (kindertoeslag) and elderly supplement (ouderentoeslag). An inflationary adjustment of 5, 9% as well as an additional increase of 5% will be applied. The elderly supplement already knows an increase on a yearly basis of USD 1.022. The measure shall be in force as of October 1st 2011.
The ABB-rate for services shall be reduced as of October 1st: from 8% to 6% on Bonaire and from 6% to 4% on Saba and Saint Eustatius. The ABB-rate for (the import of) goods will remain unchanged.
An exemption of USD 500 shall be applicable for new merchandise brought in as luggage for travellers over 15 years in lieu of the USD 175.
Presently adjustments are developed with regards to the import of a car on Saba and Sint Eustatius. It is anticipated that the Dutch Parliament will act on these proposals before the end of the year.
Belastingdienst/CN has created folders for private persons and entrepreneurs that can be picked up at the Tax Office. They may also be downloaded from the website